Extended services

Extended services in Health and Care Professional network is provided at no additional cost. These services include:

Low Vision Therapy

Low vision usually interferes with patients’ daily activities. Low vision even causes people to feel isolated because they can not easily participate in recreational and community activities. Low vision therapy helps these people regain their independence in life. Our purpose is to optimize their quality of life and increase patient’s safety and independence based on the home setting low vision therapy. 

Some of our low vision therapy services include:

  • Home safety recommendations 
  • Cooking safety suggestions 
  • Daily living skills training 
  • Mobility training


Aquatic Therapy

If you suffer from the following problems, aquatic therapy is a very reasonable option for you:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Arthritis
  • Stroke
  • Cerebral palsy

The benefits you get from aquatic therapy are:

  • Faster post-surgical rehab
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Increase joint range of motion
  • Pain relief
  • Enhanced mobility
  • Improved balance
  • Muscle strength and flexibility


PT/INR Monitoring System

The PT / INR or prothrombin time/international normalized ratio test helps you determine if your blood is clotting properly. You can also check if the medicine is working well if you are taking certain medications, such as warfarin. This way, you can be sure of taking the right dose of medicine. We use devices that can be used for PT/INR monitoring at home. In this way, our clients will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Obtaining results in less than 2 minutes instead of the long wait at laboratories.
  • A small drop of blood (15uL) from your finger is enough to do the test
  • Complications such as blood clots, stroke, and hemorrhage are reduced. 



LifeFone® is a medical alert device that helps you get the best results in a medical emergency in the shortest time. When you press the personal medical alert button, an instant connection is made to Emergency Care Agents to provide the quickest and best possible treatment.



Cardiocom helps you to:

  • Connect with your medical team on a daily basis
  • Inform your medical team before problems occur
  • Avoid unnecessary hospitalizations
  • Reduce emergency room visits
  • Strengthen your independence
  • Improve your quality of life

You can get information about other Home Health services.


  1. James says:

    After 2 years of taking service from them, I highly recommend them.

  2. Saami says:

    Your low vision therapy is the best since I have taken your suggestion, I feel some changes on my eyesight.

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